INMED Academic

International Service-Learning Sites

INMED International Service-Learning is a preceptor-led, teaching-learning experience that earns academic credit. Service-Learning strengthens student’s critical thinking skills as they engage in experiential healthcare activities that are aligned with the academic program’s competency objectives. At the same time, local community members also benefit from assistance that may otherwise not be available.

INMED cooperates with health facilities to provide INMED learners with exceptional educational experiences. Partnership is established with attention to physical safety, accessibility, service opportunities, reliability of communications, and the evaluations of preceptors and former students. The following INMED International Service-Learning Sites for International Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health are most commonly utilized. Additional sites are constantly being assessed. Click on the Site names below for more details.

Download the Service-Learning Syllabus here.

NOTE: Not all sites are available or ideally suited to all learners. INMED will assist applicants in selecting an optimum location. 

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