INMED Academic

Emergency Pandemic Control Course

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Rapidly increasing international trade and travel predictably increases the likelihood for rapid transmission of infectious diseases. The devastation caused by the 1918 Spanish influenza epidemic, and the worldwide alarm prompted by the 2004 SARS epidemic provide important insights into today’s concerns surrounding COVID-19. Epidemic investigation is based upon finding evidence-based answers to critical questions, including identifying the infectious agent, the mode of transmission, incubation period, and effective modalities for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Emergency pandemic control also often requires deliberate intervention to address special ethical challenges: disease-associated racism, resistance to local and international cooperation, and extreme stress placed upon low-resource health systems.

This is a comprehensive course made up of 8 weeks of structured learning. It is built around the required textbook The End of Epidemics, by Jonathan D. Quick, Scribe Publications, 2018, available through

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